Episode 14 – Interview with Kristoffer Broholm of Actual Fluency

Language Meanderings
Language Meanderings
Episode 14 - Interview with Kristoffer Broholm of Actual Fluency

Follow the language meanderings of an English teacher and language enthusiast.

Follow the language meanderings of an English teacher and language enthusiast.

JH: Hi everyone and welcome to the 14th episode of the Language Meanderings podcast. My name is Jonathan and today I have a very special guest. His name is Kris Broholm of Actual Fluency. Thank you very much for coming on the show, Kris.

Transcript in progress

JH: If you are interested in this service being developed and you are interested in testing this out, or if you would like to have your content personalized and translated and perhaps even recorded for you to learn a language as a kind of accelerated learning method, feel free to contact me, that’s Jonathan at hugginsinternational@gmail.com or you can visit my website at hugginsinternational.com and if people are interested in getting in contact with you, Kris, how can they contact you?

KB: ActualFluency on Twitter I think is a very good way and ActualFluency.com of course, and actually just search for Actual Fluency I think is the best. I love to hear from people and I’ve got a nice little email club going where I send out some nice tips and tricks once in a while and I love to see people on the inside.

JH: Great. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. This has been a real pleasure getting a chance to talk with you, and kind of talk shop, and see what’s been motivating for you, struggles and kind of, just it’s been a pleasure, so I look forward to…

KB: Thank you so much. A good pleasure for me. This is a topic I could talk about for hours. Always happy to exchange ideas and observations.

JH: Likewise, Likewise. We’ll be in touch.


JH: Thank you everybody for listening to this episode. I think this is one of the longest, but again when you find the right people that you enjoy talking to, and they’re passionate about what they talk about, you can just keep going on for hours.

KB: That’s what happens.

JH: Join the polyglot community, reach out to people who inspire you, and just keep learning.

KB: Exactly. Good one.

JH: Cool, so, on that note, we’ll see sziasztok, and we’ll say пока, and how would we say goodbye in Danish?

KB: Farvel.

JH: Farvel. OK. and thank you!

KB: Thank you.

JH: Bye.

KB: Bye.