Follow the language meanderings of an English teacher and language enthusiast.

Hi everyone and welcome to the 50th episode of the Language Meanderings podcast or should I call it the Creative Language Meanderings podcast in honor of my two wonderful guests today. We have on here Lindsay Dow of Lindsay Does Languages and Kerstin Cable of Fluent Language and together they are the dynamic duo behind the Creative Language Learning Podcast. Thank you for coming on the show. It’s wonderful to have you. How are you doing?
Links from the show:
The Creative Language Learning Podcast hosted by Lindsay and Kerstin
Lindsay’s website, Twitter, Facebook page and her Teachable Courses for Mastering Phrasal Verbs Through Story and Successful Self-Study (Affiliate Link)
Kerstin’s website, Twitter, Facebook, and her courses on Gumroad (Affliate link) and Easy Grammar Course for Complete Beginners on Teachable (Affiliate link)
The Ketchup Song
If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body
Ai Se Eu Te Pego
Ya Estoy AquĆ